Ninja Blender Vanilla Matcha Protein Shake

Ninja Blender Vanilla Matcha Protein Shake is a sweet and creamy antioxidant-filled protein shake offering a subtle burst of caffeinated energy. Learn how to make at home!

“Perfect morning shake that gives me a nice energy boost without making me feel jittery. Also, the extra protein keeps me from getting hungry until lunch.”

~ Kelly

Vanilla Matcha Protein Shake, a popular Ninja Blender “Smoothies & Super Juices” recipe, is a great post-workout protein shake that is absolutely loaded with antioxidants. Slightly sweet from the vanilla oat milk and vanilla whey, this awesome earthy matcha smoothie also provides a nice caffeine kick for energy. The perfect way to start your day!

Key Ingredients

The Ninja Blender Vanilla Matcha Protein Shake ingredients are:

  • oat milk
  • lime juice
  • matcha green tea powder
  • whey protein powder
  • salt
  • ice

Health Benefits

Oat Milk
Oat Milk

Oat MilkOat milk is a popular choice for people with certain food allergies or lactose intolerance. It provides significant vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin D, phosphorous, and riboflavin. Oat milk is totally vegan, lowers LDL cholesterol, and is great for bone health.
[Amazon Fresh]

Lime Juice
Lime Juice

Lime JuiceLimes are a sour citrus fruit that are best known for their immunity boosting nutrients. They are loaded with vitamin C and contain other important minerals such as riboflavin and niacin. Limes are also known to reduce the risk of heart disease, prevent kidney stones, and aid in the absorption of iron.
[Amazon Fresh]

Matcha Green Tea Powder
Matcha Green Tea Powder

Matcha Green Tea PowderMatcha green tea leaves are shaded from sunlight 30 days before harvest to boost chlorophyll and amino acid production. This makes them extremely rich in catechins, a powerful antioxidant plant compound that is approximately 130 times greater than found in regular green tea. Matcha green tea powder is a powerful tool in the fight against free radical-based cell damage and has been shown to reduce the risk of liver disease.
[Amazon Fresh]

Whey Protein Powder
Whey Protein Powder

Whey Protein PowderWhey protein powder is the most highly studied nutritional supplement readily available, providing great nutritional value and numerous health benefits. In addition to high quality protein, it also contains bioactive peptides called lactokinins. Whey protein powder promotes muscle growth and maintenance, helps lower blood pressure, can lessen the effects of Type 2 diabetes, and reduces inflammation.
[Amazon Fresh]


SaltSalt is necessary for essential body function, including fluid balance, muscle function, nerve health, and nutrient absorption. It is the most significant source of sodium in your diet and is often fortified with iodine. Salt helps your body to maintain adequate blood pressure, prevent dehydration, and lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood when consumed in accordance with recommended daily intake guidelines.
[Amazon Fresh]

Equipment Needed

Ninja Blender Smoothie Making Tools
Ninja Blender Smoothie Making Tools

A standard blender is all that is required to make Ninja Blender smoothies. If you are making it for just one person, we recommend using any one of the many available Ninja Single Serve Blenders as they are quick to set up and very easy to clean.

If you are making them for more than one person, we recommend a higher-end Ninja Blender that can process larger loads more efficiently.

For overnight storage, we recommend using a glass or BPA-free airtight container with a resealable lid.

How To Make The Ninja Blender Vanilla Matcha Protein Shake

The Ninja Blender Vanilla Matcha Protein Shake is very easy to make:

  • Step 1: Place vanilla oat milk, lime juice, matcha powder, vanilla whey protein powder, salt, and ice into a Ninja Blender and secure the lid.
  • Step 2: Start the blender on its lowest speed and steadily ramp up to its highest speed. This will reduce wear and tear on the motor and blades, facilitate a more consistent blend, and help prevent food splatter onto the lid and sides.
  • Step 3: Blend for approximately 30 seconds or until a smooth consistency is achieved.
  • Step 4: Pour into a glass for immediate refreshment or place in the refrigerator in an airtight container to enjoy later.

Recipe Tips And Substitutions

Coconut milk or soy milk can be substituted for the oat milk and still keep this delicious smoothie dairy-free.

Yield: 1

Ninja Blender Vanilla Matcha Protein Shake Recipe

Ninja Blender Vanilla Matcha Smoothie Recipe

Ninja Blender Vanilla Matcha Protein Shake recipe tastes slightly sweet, is packed with protein, and provides a nice caffeine kick. This recipe will show you how to make one.

Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 1 minute
Total Time 2 minutes



      1. Place vanilla oat milk, lime juice, matcha powder, vanilla whey protein powder, salt, and ice into a Ninja Blender and secure the lid.
      2. Start the blender on its lowest speed and steadily ramp up to its highest speed. This will reduce wear and tear on the motor and blades, facilitate a more consistent blend, and help prevent food splatter onto the lid and sides.
      3. Blend for approximately 30 seconds or until a smooth consistency is achieved.
      4. Pour into a glass for immediate refreshment or place in the refrigerator in an airtight container to enjoy later.


  1. Coconut milk or soy milk can be substituted for the oat milk and still keep this delicious smoothie dairy-free.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving: Calories: 206Total Fat: 15gSaturated Fat: 2gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 7gCholesterol: 20mgSodium: 1505mgCarbohydrates: 114gFiber: 6gSugar: 79gProtein: 71g

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Smoothie Frequently Asked Questions

Why is matcha so healthy?

Matcha is a form of green tea that’s particularly high in antioxidants, primarily catechins, which are known for their cancer-fighting properties. Unlike traditional green tea where the leaves are steeped and then discarded, matcha involves consuming the entire ground tea leaf, making it a more potent source of nutrients. It is rich in antioxidants called polyphenols that may protect against heart disease, regulate blood sugar, and reduce blood pressure. Matcha is also renowned for containing a unique form of caffeine called theophylline, which releases slowly, providing a sustained energy boost without the jitters or crash associated with other caffeinated drinks. Additionally, it contains an amino acid called L-theanine, which promotes relaxation without drowsiness, balancing the stimulating effects of caffeine.

Does protein powder make you gain weight?

Protein powder in itself doesn’t directly cause weight gain. It’s a supplement that provides additional protein, which can assist in muscle growth when combined with resistance training. However, weight gain or loss is primarily dictated by total calorie intake in relation to calorie expenditure. If someone consumes protein powder in addition to their regular diet and exceeds their daily caloric needs, it can result in weight gain. Conversely, when used as a meal replacement or within a controlled caloric regimen, it won’t inherently lead to weight gain. It’s important to consider the overall context of its use, the type of protein powder (some come with added sugars and calories), and one’s broader dietary and exercise habits.

More Ninja Blender Smoothie Recipes

→ If you liked this delicious Vanilla Matcha Protein Shake recipe, try more of our popular favorites on our Ninja Blender Smoothie Recipes page.

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Ninja Smoothie Recipes


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